Rudelblinken Webshop

Here you can preorder a rudelblinken Delta board in the next batch! Delta will contain support for single color and ws2812 RGB led strips, among other features.

We will be ordering the next batch around late february. If you want to make some changes to the design, you should submit them until end of january. By ordering your boards as part of the batch and not independendly you can help keep the cost per board low (~4€), because the fixed costs for PCB manufacturing and assembly are ~100€.

For more details on the board and its features view the oshwlab project at You can find the rudelblinken software on GitHub at

To keep updated on the current status or discuss rudelblinken join the Rudelblinken matrix room

Order Form

Board Only

Only the Rudelblinken board, no 3d printed parts or LED strip.

Full kit

The full kit including 3d printed cat-ears and a randomly colored LED strip. If you want a specific color, please write it in the notes.


We offer shipping and pickup at various events.

The prices do not include VAT in accordance with §19 UStG.

Everything offered here is a prototype kit is not usable without assembly. Everything is offered without warranties of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of safety, or fitness for a particular purpose. You should probably never wear a rudelblinken board close to your head, thats a bad idea.